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High Ropes - RAF Cranwell

High ropes courses are a thrilling and challenging way to test your limits and push yourself to new heights. With obstacles and a powerfan suspended high above the ground, you'll feel rush of adrenaline as you navigate your way through the course. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a first-time climber, a high ropes course is an exciting and unforgettable experience.

Crate Stack

The aim of the game is to build a crate stack as high as possible in a certain time before it collapses. This is a fun exercise for all the team to get involved with. 

Every member of the group will be constantly engaged - whilst some members of the team are attached to ropes to build the tower from the top, the rest of the group will be learning to manage the ropes to keep their team mates safe, or passing crates to them to help achieve a taller tower.

Crate Stack
All aboard & Seesaw

All-aboard & See-saw

Up to 4 people climb to the top of one post and stand on the same platform/seesaw.  The rest of the group control their ropes. Now the hard part. Lean backwards holding onto each other or balance the seesaw.

Can you keep it together? This needs good communication to succeed. Once you’ve had a go change around.

Leap of Faith - Trapeze!

This truly is a test of nerve. Climb to the top of the post and try to stand on top. That’s the easy part! As the name suggests can you take the Leap of Faith to catch the trapeze?


If you can get it first time round we can move the trapeze further away to suit you!

Leap of Faith
Jacob's Ladder

Jacob's Ladder

In order to succeed you need excellent team work and communication. The idea is simple. Up to 4 people have to climb to the top of the 7 wooden rungs. Sounds straight forward but the wooden rungs become further apart the higher you go. This is very physical. If you get to the top though, you will be rightly pleased with yourself.

Jacob’s Ladder develops team work skills and the ability to support other members of your team through a physical challenge.

Power Fan!

Ever wanted to have the feeling of jumping out of an aeroplane or plunging into the sea from a cliff?

Well the Powerfan will give you that instant thrill of falling through the air. All you need to do is step off the Powerfan platform which is 11m above the ground.

Sounds simple doesn’t it, but on the ledge there’s no one for you to hold onto, and the choice is yours!

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